Auteur | usineur |
Datum van publicatie | 23/10/2016 - 11:45:48 |
Genre | Port |
This is a Vita port of the reverse engine for Heart of the Alien, the sequel of Another World.
It's based on the reverse engine made originally by Gil Megidish:
To port it on Vita, I use this fork: and migration the code from SDL 1.2 to SDL 2.
Install the vpk with VitaShell
Unzip the content of into ux0:data/ (you should have a folder named "hota" into ux0:data/ with the required files inside)
Up/Down/Left/Right : move the alien
Circle : action or run
Cross : jump
Square : use whip
L/R : quick load/save
Enjoy and don't hesitate to report bugs to me.